The workplace has drastically changed over the last decade, even more so over the last few years. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a new set of principles that has made its way into the workplace, and for good reason.
Why should this be a topic for conversation amongst companies? Well, for one, diversity offers a wide variety of perspectives. Acknowledging that not everyone comes from the same background, holds the same values, or has the same ideas is important. Also, having different mindsets in a room can offer insight into topics that someone else may not have had, diversifying the conversation. Diversity does not just speak to a race or gender; it includes physical abilities, ethnicities, and sexual orientations, too. Employees want to feel like they are being heard and understood, and amplifying their voices can promote that.
Equity is a principle that allows equality for everyone. It ensures that employees are treated fairly and given the same opportunities. Companies must be actively working to have equality for their employees. Focusing on equality can remove promotion biases, pay gaps, and create an environment that allows employees to thrive based on their efforts, not their demographics.
Inclusion is the last of the three principles of DEI and not any less important. Being inclusive can mean several things to people, but the overarching goal is ensuring people feel welcome, seen, and heard. Having a company that is inclusive breeds success and productivity. It allows people to feel safe and free from judgment and a space where they can authenticate themselves.
While DEI may be a new concept in the workplace, it holds valuable principles that can improve the workplace for many people. The happiness of employees creates an atmosphere for success.